Wright Mature Market Services Focused Marketing, Effective Results


With over 30 years of experience with the senior housing industry, Wright Mature Market Services has worked with over 200 communities in the United States and Canada. We provide services in all aspects of mature market sales, senior housing sales and marketing, market analysis and marketing audits.

Wright Mature Market Services is available to come into your retirement community and help you create sales and marketing programs to effectively sell to seniors. We can audit your current database, programs and train your sales staff on what it takes to close the deal.

We also offer many different training opportunities for all levels of professionals in the senior housing and mature market industry. Our key areas of expertise are Sales and Marketing for Start-up and turnaround of underachieving senior communities, New project development, Speaking Engagements, Workshops and Strategic Planning/Repositioning. Please see the Services tab for a complete list of what we can do for you and your business.

We are singly focused on growing your market share through innovative sales
and marketing.

Wright Mature Market Services works with a select group of professionals seeking the most experienced sales, marketing and industry advice.

Our clients include:

  • Owners and Operators of Senior Living Communities
  • Financial institution and Finance Partners of existing and planned communities
  • New Developers and Operators of senior communities looking for a solid foundation for their sales, marketing, product development and pricing decisions.
  • State and Province Associations throughout the US and Canada.

Finding the Niche within Senior Housing Niche!

It's no longer enough to just say you want to build dementia care or assisted living for the market. What market? Niche developments are cropping up all over the United States and WMMS is working with some pretty unique ones. Seniors housing for Native Americans, a developmentally disabled assisted living community, a Lutheran Church Organization and university-based housing for a Liberal Arts College are just a few examples.

If you or someone you know is looking to do niche senior housing development, there are a few things you need to think about:

  • Geographic's : With a typical market area being relatively small – usually 3 to 5 miles – a niche community is far more complex to figure as it relates to drawing area
  • Demand from your constituents: Clients of WMMS in the religious sector have learned this lesson – some the hard way – that you won't capture 80 percent of your congregation’s aging population.
  • Brand message: How you brand and market the project will affect how much impact fringe niche groups will have on your project.

WMMS has worked with and continues to assist developers, organizations and operators who realize that a specific niche creates new market opportunities, but at the same time comes with a variety of feasibility, development, sales and marketing questions.

Home and Community-Based Services – Friend not Foe – A Case Study

Two of WMMS' current clients are Home Care Companies. Both had tried and failed in recent times to build their business with ties to senior housing. Both had failed. Why? Simple neither side knew what was in it for them.

The mobility of technology and healthcare is a game-changer for senior housing. Either you get on board or you’ll be left behind. And without partnership(s) with HCBS you are stuck behind the four wall of your community. Instead, it's time to look at the other side:

What's In It for Senior Housing:

  • Instead of allowing 5 or 6 home care agencies overrun your building you partner with one good one. Besides, 5 out of 6 or those companies don’t get you anyway.
  • Partnerships mean that that 95 percent of your database that sits idle is now instead partnering with "your home care agency partner" long before they move in.
  • Inside your four walls you now have a co-marketing partner –especially independent living where you struggle to find the service delivery

What's in it for Home Care Agencies:

  • A built in book of business – under one roof
  • Opportunity to work with the senior housing partner’s existing data base of targeted prospects
  • Cross-selling the two organizations’ continuum of care
  • There are numerous opportunities. Most important to you the senior housing provider, it gets you outside the four walls and connected with the market early on in the process – not just when the next emergency happens. It will be a critical strategic move as senior housing continues to grow in very different directions – that true stand-alone senior community will be just that in the future – Standing Alone!

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About WMMS

What Should Sales & Marketing Experts be Acheiving in these Tough Times

As part of Steve Wright's presentation at the NIC Program, he and several leading experts in the industry collaborated on and collected key data on sales and marketing metrics for the assisted living, independent living and CCRC Industries.

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Four Reasons Why Your Feasibility Study is Flawed

Your feasibility study tells you what a 5 percent penetration rate is! Big deal. Unfortunately if that is about all it tells you then you are missing today's market dynamics. Read about what you should be looking and asking for in a market analysis.

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